Botanica Daily Energy Shot - 250ml
Botanica Daily Energy Shot supports gut health, is loaded with enzymes, B vitamins, micronutrients and organic acids – and a dose of ashwagandha. All to get you feeling a calm energy when life throws a little too much your way.
- Helps balance adrenals and promote gut health
- Previous name: Botanica Fermented Ashwagandha
SIZE: 250 ML
Medicinal Ingredients: (per 20 ml) Fermented certified organic Ashwagandha decoction, 1.2% Organic acids (from 240 mg Withania somnifera).
One shot (20 mL/4 tsp) per day. Drink straight-up or mix with water or juice. And take five deep. slow breathes. Inhale. Exhale. Because we all need a reminder to slow down sometimes.