Ear Health
Botanica Ear Oil - 30ml
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Prevents & Treats Ear Infections. Acute ear infections-otitis media with pain (use only if the eardrum in intact). Use for common ear infections in children caused by allergies (dairy, second hand smoke, animal dander) and viral or bacterial pathogens. Ingredients...
Orange Vertigo - 100 mL
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Homeopathic remedy for the temporarily relief of dizziness, sensations of spinning, unsteady balance and ringing in the ears and vertigo. A sudden spinning sensation or dizziness accompanied by nausea, ringing and buzzing in the ears can be debilitating. This is...
Bell Lifestyle Products Hearing Health - 60 Capsules
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An innovative natural combination of vitamins, minerals, and bioflavonoids. Rich in antioxidants for protection of your hearing. Helps prevent damage from free radicals and oxidative activity. Provides the nutrients needed for all of your senses. Bell Hearing Loss Relief is a recently...